Somehow we have managed to not keep daily, almost weekly blogs! In our defense, we are pretty active over here. We have been thoroughly enjoying our "home" for the next month.
A cute side note about Rebecca: She has been soooo excited to go to Italy. Before we left, she was always asking when we were going to go to Italy. Upon arrival to our house, we discovered that, to Rebecca, "Italy" is our house. We can be in the quaint town nearby or even down at the pool (at our house) and she will say "When can me go back to Italy?!?!" We chuckle every time!
Monday, June 15th
The past week was as laid back as it is having six kids in a new country where everyone speaks a different language! On Monday, Liam, Rebecca, Noah, Jason and I (the early risers) went to the market in San Casciano (the nearby town which is so much fun - old castle walls and even a castle playground!) where we could have bought anything imaginable. We were only there for some fresh local produce and some fresh fish....both delicious! Many older Italian women came up and touched the kids and would ask "Are they all yours?" (we can understand that question in any language - as well as the 'whoa!' that comes with it) Our kids love the attention so it's been really sweet to watch. We happened upon a little fish vendor at the market who doted on the kids. She had an actual (albeit dead) octopus, which she proceeded to hold up and shake and make loud noises at the kids with. Liam thought it was hysterical and loved the "crazy fish lady." She ended up giving each of the kids dead shrimp/prawns on a skewer. It was a strange, somehow endearing gift, and definitely a hit with the kids. They had fun with them all afternoon.
We spent the rest of the week just hanging out by the pool and playing outside with the dogs that live on the property (they have several labs and one fluffy dog named Baffo – which means mustache).
I can see how Liam would find that hysterical! I'm sure that's something he'll never forget!